Category: Project

Rock on

Prachi Ranadive
Geography can be made more interesting if it is taught outside the classroom. A multi-disciplinary approach will further ensure that the students have a deep understanding of the concepts and also find the learning meaningful and engaging. In this article, the author talks about Rocks which are an often overlooked part of the landscape and how they are integral to human society having been used for centuries to build buildings and even to carve into.

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Once upon a forest

Sujata C

Forests are another fast depleting natural resource. What they mean to the survival of our planet, and how people are connected to it can be made clear with this project.

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Cracking that code!

Usha Raman

What is ‘codes’ doing in Teacher Plus when one usually associates this word with mysteries and thrillers? Actually there is a lot one can learn from this exciting topic–history, language, science, and even mathematics. Would you like to know how?

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Beyond the crowning glory

Sujata C

A part of our body we are always concerned about is the hair. We love it. We despise it. We worry over it. So let’s take this constant attention a little beyond and see what we can learn about and from hair. Get your students to work on this very interesting topic and you will be amazed at the wide scope of learning that hair has to offer.

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Riding and learning on the radio waves

Taijrani Rampersaud
In an era of the Internet and smart phones , does anybody even think of the radio? As a matter of fact, yes. A remarkably inexpensive communication medium, the radio has innumerable uses. Its basic and important characteristic is that it does not have any boundaries. Here is a wonderful article that celebrates the radio and how, even now it can be used as a teaching tool.

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This big round Earth

Jyotsna Vijapurkar
Is the earth really round? Children have difficulty in imagining the earth to be round. They think that if this is so, then why is it that people do not fall off, they wonder if we live on the earth or in the earth. The project on this topic addresses the root of all these conceptual problems by getting children to work on a lot of activities. Try out all of them and your students will be better of for this fun learning.

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Steel – the everyday metal

Sujata C
Steel can be found everywhere. It is an all-weather, all-terrain metal, it is recyclable, hygienic and very dependable. Just think, is there any industry or aspect of modern life that remains untouched by this versatile material?

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Round and round about


Can you think of a number of objects that are round in shape? If you care to look around, you will find them everywhere in all the utility tasks that you do on an everyday basis. Our theme for the Project this time is Wheels. From mathematics to language to art, the wheel and its circular motion is present. Read up this interesting article and get your class to do a project on wheels.

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Are we buying dreams? The ABCs of advertising

Usha Raman

On an average, if your students spend two hours watching the television, they probably watch half an hour of advertisements. There are a lot of learning moments in those half hours. Here’s a fun and educative project which tells you how you can teach children through advertisements and about them.

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Soil – The laboratory of life

Sujata C The Earth is the only known planet with a soil cover. The word ‘Earth’ originally meant soil, later it began to mean the planet itself. A project on soil should be fun for children who love playing with it, getting their hands dirty, jumping into muddy pools. For the farmer, soil is no less than a mother, for the healer it is a medicine, for the poet a muse and so on. Soil is indeed the very laboratory of life. The nutrients present in the soil have life-giving properties. Soil is a non-renewable, natural resource , yet we take it so much for granted and use, misuse and abuse it for our never ending needs without so much as a thought for the future generations. To increase awareness about soil, 2015 has been designated as the UN International Year for Soils. December 5 of every year is celebrated as World Soil Day. So what can you expect your class to learn from soil? Add to this list. Chemistry Biology Medicine Geology/Geography Physics Why does the Tower of Pisa lean? It is said the Tower of Pisa in Italy is leaning partially due to some fault line in the soil structure below the tower. It is a live model for students of geology and construction engineering. Soil mechanics is a major branch of the discipline of construction engineering as it is a determinant in the life of the building. Principles of geology, soil physics, geotechnical engineering are applied by builders of dams, bridges and high rise buildings. The author is a freelance writer based in Hyderabad. She can be reached at This is an article for subscribers only. You may request the complete article by writing to us at

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