Category: Project

Something old, for something new

Seetha Anand Vaidyam and Usha Raman

Chess, pacheesi, snakes and ladders, hop-scotch, kite flying—all traditional games that go far beyond just entertaining the players. Get you children to do a project on traditional games and open up for them a world of culture, values, history, geography, and much more.

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The play of imagination

Prof. Nandini Dutta
Learning can be of various types — classical learning , growth learning, e-learning etc. But the best way to help a child learn is to get him to use his imagination and the learning process helps him to use his mind by analysis, reasoning and problem -solving rather than ‘what has to be learnt’. Basically, the teaching has to be imaginative and the teacher needs to be successful in building the imagination of the child. If this happens, then the bond between the teacher and the student strengthens. There is more of give and take and this appeals to the intellect of the child.

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Spinning a truthful yarn

Sunita Biswas

Who does not like to listen to stories? Stories from all over the world have always found interesting and willing audiences to listen and enjoy. Teaching mythology provides varied benefits to many students. In a simple way, myths reflect the idea of good and evil. Many contain a moral and this is good to develop skills such as inferring meaning from the context. Read up this very interesting article on myths and legends and come up with a project for your students.

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Tools of the (kitchen) trade!

Vandana Aggarwal
Eating tools are a part of our daily life and can be seen all around us. These everyday materials can be used as a study module in a very interesting manner by connecting it to different subjects. The aim is to augment traditional learning by exploring a subject in an interdisciplinary manner.

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White gold, black soil

Sujata C

A project on Cotton can be engaging. How can a student learn all about life by being on a cotton farm? Cotton is more than just a fabric. It has pervaded every part of our lives in more ways than we can think of. From clothing to medicare to oils, its range is very wide. This article will take you on an incredible journey of cotton that will leave you asking for more.

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No bridge too far!

Sujata C
When we think of bridges we think of their magnificence, their importance, and wonder at man’s engineering skills. But have we thought of bridges as a topic for a school project? Here are ideas on how bridges can also connect many different subjects.

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A family affair


Every family has a tale to tell and every family can teach us something. Here are some ideas around the concept of family that you can use in different classrooms and at different levels.

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Exploring calendar art in the Indian classroom

Sarada Natarajan
We have all had them growing up and perhaps even now as adults, adorning our walls. Funny posters, posters that inspire us, or posters simply to decorate our walls–they are found everywhere from banks to government offices to the classroom. So when they are present everywhere why not use them as a teaching-learning tool?

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Rice on the menu

As far as working on projects is concerned , children will enjoy learning about Project Rice because rice is connected with every part of our lives. In fact, it is life, so students’ engagement will most likely be easy and learning is likely to be long-lasting.

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