Leading by example
Rubina Majid
It is not just the role of the teacher but also that of the principal that is changing. Meet the new-age principal.
Rubina Majid
It is not just the role of the teacher but also that of the principal that is changing. Meet the new-age principal.
Jeny Rapheal
A sense of responsibility comes with ownership. If schools want their teachers to give them their best, then schools have to create a feeling of “mine-ness” among their staff. And how can they do that? Here are a few suggestions.
E T Arasu
There are some problems common to most schools. Three such problems and their possible solutions have been discussed here.
Lakshmi Karunakaran
A dog is man’s best friend, but can it also become his teacher? Schools in Germany are finding out how much dogs can teach children in terms of responsibility, coordination, concern and care giving by having school dogs. While Indian schools are yet to adopt dogs, we are slowly warming up to the idea of therapy dogs to work with the differently-abled children in schools.
Neerja Singh
The most harrowing time for any school is the end of the day when it is time for children to go home. If we keep a few simple things in mind, this stressful time can be made a lot less harried.
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