Category: Teaching Practice

Contextual and constructive learning

Pramila Kudva

The chalk and talk is the most economical and easy way of transacting teaching-learning. It is also perhaps the most ineffective. In a world of education that is becoming child-centric, it is time that we adopted and adapted our teaching styles to suit our children’s learning styles. Contextual learning is one of the more popular methods of engaging students.

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Start – Stop – Assess – Repeat

David Bulley
Just as there is more than one way to solve a problem, there is also more than one way for teachers to teach, and that is to use data. This article suggests how a teacher’s data and a student’s data can be used to find out the kind of teachers or learners they are.

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The making of a critical reviewer

Nagalakshmi Thirumalaiappan
Writing a report about a book after reading it requires just as much skill as writing a review of the same book.A critical reading of the book helps a reader to develop critical thinking skills which means he or she is more rational, open- minded and cultivates the discipline to process the learning without any bias. Here are some strategies to develop critical book report writing skills.

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Life as a laboratory

Ananya Pathak
Why do the social sciences lag behind in popularity among its learners? Because its teachers don’t bring in inspiring methods to teach. No other subject is closer to life than social science. So get out of the classroom and onto the streets when you teach the subject.

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FEEDFORWARD an identity

Latha Vydianathan
Feedback we all have heard of but feedforward? Feedback is given based on an action already completed. Feedforward is given while the action is in progress thus allowing the person doing the action to make changes accordingly to improve the action.

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The here and now: why it matters

Sharoon Sunny
How can teachers go about their day by being immersed ‘in’ the moment? Can they practice ‘mindful’ living in their classrooms?How can the techniques of mindfulness be used to harness the power of attention in the classroom?The teacher must first learn to practice it herself.

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A dose of discovery

Sudha Mahajan

Gone are the days when teachers used to stand at the head of the class delivering lectures. This is the day and age of self learning. And what is the role of the teacher here? Creating an environment for self learning for the child. Here are some strategies to help you set up such an environment for your students.

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Making science popular

Kishor Kulkarni

Science is best learned through active engagement with it. Here are some activities that you can try in your class to make the subject more lively and fun for your students.

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The evaporation of ideas

Alex M Thomas

Jotting down notes is an important practice that every learner must inculcate, for it is these notes that can lead to better understanding and development of ideas.

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Learning the e-way

Aditi Chandrasekar
How does online teaching compare with teaching face to face? Does one score over the other and are students satisfied with learning online? This is an article where the author has been on both sides of the fence, and is able to clearly explain the pluses and the minuses.

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