Making books for children
Chintan Girish Modi
From village tales to taboo topics, Indian children’s books have come a long way, writes Chintan Girish Modi.
Chintan Girish Modi
From village tales to taboo topics, Indian children’s books have come a long way, writes Chintan Girish Modi.
Shalini Solanki
Placing students at the center of their learning experience can enhance their language skills, critical thinking, and appreciation for literature. From generating their own questions to engaging in debates and real-world language tasks, Shalini Solanki shares strategies for making English classes more interactive and engaging.
Pratima Pai
In India, we are obsessed with two things—the English language and fair skin. Despite awareness campaigns on skin colour and education policies that promote education in regional languages, our obsession remains. Unless we tackle this problem, we will not be able to progress as a nation.
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