Tag: translations

An entry to other worlds

Jamuna Inamdar
The popularity and versatility of socially and politically dominant languages such as Hindi and English is pushing minority languages into oblivion. Unless we do something to preserve them now, minority Indian languages like Maithili, Konkani, Gondi, and many more will soon become extinct with nobody speaking or reading them. Can literature be used to revive a language on the brink of extinction?

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The complex art of translation

Tariq Khan
Literary translations introduce us to masterpieces and great writers from other languages, they help us meet different people and cultures and thus they play an integrative role in society. Literary translations also help enrich the existing literature in a language. So, what does translating a work from one langue to another involve? How does a translator decide on the choice of words to convey the original meaning? Can knowledge of translation help a language teacher?

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Rediscovering reading in my native tongue

Venkata Tejah Balantrapu
Reading and writing in a language is very different from speaking it. They require more focus and dedication. Can literature help us understand the nuances of a language better? What does it mean to learn to read in a new language or even in your own language?

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