Revamping the approach to teaching history

Jeena Sarah Jacob
How can history be made enjoyable, relatable and relevant? Students need to be engaged with the content that inspired the writing of a history chapter and also involved in the process of how historians arrive at their conclusions. This will help students to think laterally and take the burden off remembering facts.

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New present, newer past & newer textbooks

R S Krishna
Can history textbooks offer better reading and learning and teaching material than what is currently available? Usually, they carry the burden of being obliging to the changing governments’ policies and ideologies. So, can these textbooks be made more engaging, factoring in the social world and the lived experiences of the students? This article examines some possible contours.

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Archives and ‘Active Learning’ in the history classroom

Shivangi Jaiswal
How can archives be included in a teacher’s lesson plan? Archival sources cannot be used in their existing format for educational purposes. Therefore, before using a source in a lesson, one needs to ‘prepare’ it in a manner that is accessible to children of different age groups. A careful selection of sources is very essential. This will help students to be exposed to a variety of learning experiences.

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Initiating a magical journey

Subha Das Mollick
‘Magic of my school’ was a project that was initiated in some schools of Kolkata to map and explore the history of education in the city and also to learn history hands-on. It also offered young historians an opportunity to rewrite the history of their school.

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Is the history textbook history now?

Nisha Dedhia Teredesai
History teachers need to move beyond textbooks and discover other tools that can bring alive the history classroom. Story-telling, movies, humour and discussions and debate can all help perk up the students.

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Was it really the straw that broke the camel’s back?

Dr. Arthur Chapman
How can students get better at history using analogy and a fictional story? Analogy can help students develop a thorough knowledge about the past, of how history works as a way of making sense of the world, and an ability to argue and organise their ideas. This strategy has proved very popular with students and teachers can try this out in their own history class.

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A folktale walked into a history class…

Parikshit Sharma
Can teachers practice a pedagogy that allows them to participate, with their students, in the whole process of learning what the discipline of history offers? This way teachers and students learn how to read, engage, examine, analyze, question, challenge and theorize about the past as well as theories about the past.

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Hidden inside migration stories

Subha Das Mollick and Deborina Roy
This article highlights how a summer project done in 2021 titled ‘Tracing your roots’ formed the stepping stone to a bigger project on migration. Being a research project, students went out of their way to learn more about their city and the different influences that migratory populations can bring in.

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Multiple histories and a common past

Prakash Iyer
Teaching history in a country with diverse cultures, ethnicities, religions, and languages can be intimidating or even complicated. Each region has its own history. Merely narrating the past as a story may not help develop historical consciousness. Apart from this, there is also a common history that all people share as a nation. Teachers also need to find a way to progress from knowing about others to being together in one nation.

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Math too has a history!

S. Sundaram
History and mathematics can evoke strong and extreme reactions though for different reasons. This article suggests how anecdotes from the history of mathematics can be used to enrich the understanding of students and make math more meaningful to them. Actually, the article can provide a chance for history and math teachers to collaborate and make both subjects enjoyable.

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