Coding for kids – how soon is too soon?

Anuradha C
Is coding for children the next big thing? Seeing the push for learning coding right from an early age by corporates and parents as well, it is time to sound a word of caution. Children need to learn other things such as compassion, kindness, or even relating to the people around them, rather than jump headlong into coding. Parents will do well to heed this note of caution and make a wise choice.

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Lines, curves and colours

Aruna Sankaranarayanan
Art, music, drama and play – these are creative activities that bring out the best in children if they pursue them with passion and vigour. In a four- part series, this column will explore the benefits that accrue to children when they engage in creative pursuits. This article explores how visual arts can broaden and deepen children’s understanding of themselves and the world.

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Simulating learning environments

Rohini Karandikar and Bhagyashree Chemate
Schools are closed but learning continues to happen with the help of technology. Math or science, technology comes to the rescue in the form of simulation platforms that offer a whole new learning experience. Abstract concepts can be better understood with a few of these models and simulations. This article provides an overview of a few simulation platforms that teachers and students can check out.

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Slowing down actively

Deepali Barapatre
The pandemic has been a sort of boon in some ways in that it has helped both adults and children to slow down, albeit a little bit. In the second part of our series on mindfulness, we look at how it can help build the 21st century skills that children need to survive and thrive in the world of tomorrow. Having a self-care habit that allows them to take care of their minds and bodies will help them sustain their well-being.

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The identity expressway

Neerja Singh
The teenage years are primarily awkward and confusing. There are pulls and pushes and the teenager is also trying to find his own identity and is experiencing moods that swing from one extreme to another. It is here that parents and teachers need to do a delicate balancing act by not adding their own voice, by listening, and also by letting go.

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Decolonizing Indian school education

G. Gautama
In the second part of his article on small schools, the author raises some very important questions and suggests a way to move forward. Covid -19 may have disrupted people’s lives but it has also presented opportunities to change educational approaches. Multiple small institutions and a decentralized approach to teaching and learning must be the way ahead.

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“I am a teacher. I am autonomous.”

Prakash Iyer
How can a teacher stay autonomous? Is she free to teach in the manner she wants and even change the curriculum? She can use the textbook and other teaching learning material, but she is also free to change the material as long as she sticks to the criteria.

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The school library: a place for everyone

Nirupama Kaushik
This article traces the journey of a school library. Though it was a place that had books and resources in abundance, it was sorely under-utilized with the odd teacher coming in to borrow a subject-related textbook, and perhaps attend staff meetings. With a lot of time, effort and constant review, the library has now transformed into a place that is buzzing with people – students, teachers and parents. Alluring displays and unorthodox collection of books has changed this into a joyful learning centre.

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Setting the tone for social justice

Neha Pradhan Arora
What does social justice mean? It emphasizes that every human being must have equal access to health, education, well-being as a right. It stands for inclusion, equity and participation.In order to work towards a world that is just, equitable and sustainable, we must begin to acknowledge and question issues of justice as they exist in our lives, our schools and our communities while becoming advocates of social change. Here are some ways in which this issue can be embedded in the classrooms.

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